Sisters and Brothers,
We know various departments have put out numerous messages, causing confusion and anxiety. There has been a lot of misinformation given to workers regarding today’s State closure. Here are the facts.


  • If you were scheduled to telework today, you are required to telework.
  • If you were scheduled to work in the office today, you do not have to telework and are off.
  • Any worker who does not participate in the telework program cannot be asked to telework.


We are also aware that some of you who were scheduled in-office today faced disciplinary threats or were instructed to use personal time if you didn’t telework today. This is a violation of the telework policy. If management takes any punitive action, please contact your staff representative and the union will file a grievance and resolve the situation. We have also been in contact with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations to address the issues.
In Solidarity,
Shawn Ludwig